DIY Travel Document
DIY Travel Document Steps to apply for Convention Travel Document (CTD), also known as Travel Document: 1. Call the number 131 232 (Australian Passport Information Service) and make an appointment to come to Sydney Passport Office, if you live in NSW. 2. Make sure to keep the Booking Identification Number, short as BIN and to keep the date and time for your appointment. 3. Ensure to fill up the form [Application for Certificate of Identity or Convention Travel Document] in a written application using a black pen and capital letters, (there is no electronic form yet). You call also call the number above and gently ask them to send you a copy to your address, alternatively, you can go to Sydney Passport Office and ask to get a copy of the form. 4. Ensure to carefully read all the details and questions in the application form and fill it up accordingly. 5. On the date of the application, come at least 15 minutes earlier, once you reach the building tell the security guard, level se7en to ...