Health is Wealth

19 June 2015 by Medo Hamdani

Super-Fast Age

    We live in a super-fast age and the internet has shrunk the world dramatically and made people connected 24/7. To ask a question and receive answers from several reliable resources, you can ask your question in any search engine. 
Each day, as we straddle to fulfil our responsibilities to everyone in our lives and those people, may include employers, parents, children and others.

Time for Ourselves

In this life, we sometimes forget to spare time for ourselves. We have forgotten to take care of one important thing which is our health. 
In order to take care of our lives, there are several things we must do to preserve a healthy life. First, our mindset must be always positive and able to see things in an optimistic way. Second, we must be able to control our thoughts, because it is going to have a great effect on our way of talking and dealing with our own health, which will lead to being or not to be healthy. Third, the type of food and the way that we eat, as well as our sleeping hours, all of them considered as major factors that have a direct relation to our health. 

Simple Life

Health is indeed wealth, in earlier days, life was simple, people worked for jobs that they eventually produce a product, instead of just working as modern slaves, they ate food that made at home, and enjoyed a healthy balanced life. But, now we have cars which made transportation much easier and created a new thing called “Take Away Food” 

Type of Food & Exercise

We eat a lot of fast food and don’t exercise. Therefore, heart attack, diabetes, and other diseases appeared in society. Furthermore, these diseases not only affect elder people, but also the youth. 
It is very important to keep fit and healthy and start teaching children to eat healthy food and do more exercises. This will truly make a huge difference to our health. 


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