Some Benefits of Sunrise
18 Oct 2010 by Medo Hamdani
Here you can find any information about the benefits of sunrise.
Here you can find any information about the benefits of sunrise.
Let's see when was the last time that you woke up in the early morning and breath in good air?
Wait a minute why did you just call it a good air or a fresh air? Well, because when you normally breathe you breathe O2 but in the dawn time especially when the sunrise, you breathe O3. The O3 air came from the layer that protects the earth from sunbeams or the sun rays like Gamma rays. When you breathe in O3, you will feel happy for the rest of the day. Why? Because O3 will make your brain function in the right way and you will be able to memories a lot of information in a short time. However, you should know how to the breath of inhaling well, otherwise, it won't be an effective method to use.