Questions about Love

22 October 2010 by Medo Hamdani
  • What is love?
Love is a situation that the mind goes by and mainly happen to a human being because of the repetition of the sentence ( I Love You ).
  • How love functions?
It functions normally like any other situation that a human being goes through.
  • What are the keys to love?
Keys of love are many, and only the people who had been in love knows them, however, respect and care can be the main keys.
  • Why do we fall in love?
We fall in love because we reach a level that we can't control our feelings.
  • Why do we call it falling?
We call it falling because you keep thinking of it too much!
  • What kind of emotions happens to you when you are in love with someone?
When you are in love with someone, you feel that anything he/she says to you has no mistake at all, because your emotion is so blurred, after that, you realize that there is something need to be changed.
  • Is love to consider something wrong?
Love doesn't consider wrong, but the way of being in love might be wrong.
  • What do you feel? Why do you feel pain?
You feel bad, and you feel pain because of thinking. 
  • Why do you keep thinking about her?
Because you are in a state that you think that she can help you, and you forget the main source of love. ( One )
  • Why do you insist that you can't live without her?
The issue of insisting of living with her or you can't live, that's ain't true at all. You only can't live without water and food.
  • Why it is so hard to find a girlfriend when you want one, after that you find many?
When you search for something you can't get it because you didn't give yourself the chance to see the result.
  • What does the relation between love, heart and mind?
The relationship between love, heart and mind is simple, they are all in you. All that you have to do is to know yourself.
  • How can you control yourself?
Mainly, by fasting.
  • How to know that you are in love?
If you are thinking too much of a person. You gotta know that you are in love
  •  What is the purpose of love? 
The purpose of love is to satisfy yourself.
  • Why they say "love is blind"? 
They keep saying love is blind because when you are in love, simply you don't want to control yourself. 
  • From where did this word come 'girlfriend'?
The word girlfriend came from western culture, and that all because of the effect of Hollywood movies.
  • Why are you reading this?
The last question you gotta answer by yourself in the comments.

Disclaimer: These answers were written at the time of the post was posted not currently, and from time to time, it will keep updating and the answers will be edited.


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