Penalty Number: 494 209 2660
Time: 13:28
Day: Thursday
Date: 16/05/2019
Site: Bachell Ave. Lidcombe
Dear Sir/Madam,
On the afternoon of Thursday 16th of May 2019 I was driving from Punchbowl to Lidcombe to meet my friend to go to the library to read some books. I was driving normally and following all the traffic rules as always; I was driving with my international driving license, however, since I decided few months ago that I can work as UberEats food delivery, I had to apply for local NSW driving license. The first time I went to the NSW service to transfer my international driving license that I have since 2015, they told me that they needed a confirmation letter to confirm that this driving license is authentic and original. Furthermore, I have spent some time explaining to them that "Yemenis" doesn't have any embassy or consulate in Australia wide, but the officer at that time was convinced of what he did type in Google search. Moreover, I did call the number that appears in the search, but the respond that I got was that they had no relation to the country. I went back to explain that to the office, but he still insisted on his opinion. So, the next thing that I did was applying for a Driving Knowledge Test to simplify the process, while I had a parcel sent to me from Oman to indicate that my license was authentic as per their request. After that, I managed to score full marks in the DKT and the NSW acknowledge the letter and that my international license is original. But, the problem was that they didn't tell me that the "Learner" driving license that I had obtain by getting the DKT done will supersede my international license. I would like to be crystal clear here, if I knew that Learner license will override the international license, I would not have applied for UberEats or anything else, and I would have remained with my international license till I get letter of confirmation and then transfer it to full license. One noteworthy point to mention is that on the very next day 17th of May 2019 was my practical driving test that I was preparing for the last few weeks.
Now, I really don't know if I really deserve a huge fine of roughly $1100 for the two fines which were driving with L license without someone next to me with full license and the second one was for not putting the L signs on the plate number. As per my judgement for this case, I would like to indicate that there is a miscommunication happened, because I was not informed once I have passed my DKT and got L driving license that this will supersede my international license and will disregard all of my experience in driving in multiple countries and in both sides. From my honest point of view, I should at least get a warning from officer since I didn't know about what I have mentioned earlier and if I had commit a traffic offense, then most probably a penalty, but not as heavy as the amount above, plus three months suspension, plus two demerit points. I had to think seriously to sell the car, since I can't even rent it since the Car Next Door app will not accept anybody who got his/her license suspended no matter what is the reason.
Please do let me know if you believe what happened is fair and let me know if I should be more responsible, but I would like to assure you, that I always care about the safety of others more than the safety of mine, this is to show you that when I was driving with L license, I was actually driving with my international driving license and that is the first thing that I showed the officer when he asked from my license, and when he asked me if I had any other license, I didn't lie or try to hide anything, I was honest and I will always will be and I have explained to him all of the above, and he simply told me to bring it up to NSW service.
Please do advice the best course of action whether to escalate this matter to go to the court, because I don't want to waste nobody time, or if you think that am guilty, then if possible to have a payment plan to proceed with the payment.
Penalty Number: 494 209 2660
Time: 13:28
Day: Thursday
Date: 16/05/2019
Site: Bachell Ave. Lidcombe
Dear Sir/Madam,
On the afternoon of Thursday the 16th of May 2019, I was driving from Punchbowl to Lidcombe to meet my friend to go to the library to read some books. I was driving normally and following all the traffic rules as always; I was driving with my international driving license, however, since I decided a few months ago that I can work as UberEats food delivery, I had to apply for local NSW driving license.
The first time I went to the NSW service to transfer the international driving license that I have since 2015, they told me that they needed a confirmation letter to confirm that this driving license is authentic and original. Furthermore, I have spent some time explaining to them that "Yemenis" doesn't have any embassy or consulate in Australia wide, but the officer at that time was convinced of what he did type in Google search. Moreover, I did call the number that appears in the search, but the response that I got was that they had no relation to the country. I went back to explain that to the office, but he still insisted on his opinion. So, the next thing that I did was applying for a Driving Knowledge Test to simplify the process of obtaining NSW full licenses, while I had a parcel sent to me to indicate that my license was authentic as per their request. After that, I managed to score full marks in the DKT and the NSW acknowledged the letter and that my international license was original. But, the problem was that they didn't tell me that the "Learner" driving license that I had obtained by getting the DKT done will supersede my international license. I would like to be crystal clear here, if I knew that Learner license will override the international license, I would not have applied for UberEats or anything else, and I would have remained with my international license till I get the letter of confirmation and then transfer it to full license.
One noteworthy point to mention is that on the very next day the 17th of May 2019 was the practical driving test that I was preparing for the last few weeks, but because of the suspension, I had to cancel it.
Now, I really don't know if I really deserve a huge fine of roughly $1100 for the two fines which were driving with L license without someone next to me with full license and the second one was for not putting the L signs on the plate number. I would like to indicate that there was a miscommunication happened because I was not informed once I have passed my DKT and got L driving license that this will supersede my international license and will disregard all of my experience in driving in multiple countries and in both sides.
As per my judgement (if I am allowed to) for this case, I should have at least got a warning from officer since I didn't know all of about the superiority of L license over the international license and if I had committed a traffic offence, then it would be fair to fine me, but that was not the case. The penalty also includes three months suspension, plus two demerit points.
I had to think seriously to sell the car or even rent it, but that is not an option since the Car Next Door app will not accept anybody who got his/her license suspended no matter what is the reason.
Please do let me know if you believe what happened is fair and let me know if I should be more responsible, but I would like to assure you, that I always care about the safety of others more than the safety of mine, this is to show you that when I was driving with L license, I was actually driving with my international driving license and that is the first thing that I showed the officer when he asked for my license, and when he asked me if I had any other license, I didn't lie or try to hide anything, I was honest and I will always will be and I have explained to him all of the above, and he simply told me to bring it up to NSW service and issued the fine.
Please do advice the best course of action whether to escalate this matter to go to the court, because I don't want to waste anybody time or if you think that am guilty, then if possible to have a reduction in the fine and a payment plan to proceed with the payment.
Mohammed Hamdani
Update 24/05/2019
I have called the NSW Service and then they have transferred me to Law Access NSW and here the operator told me that after submitting a review the penalty will be withheld for up to 42 days, and she gave the second penalty number 4052993304 that I didn't have and she told me that it was on the 17/05/2019, although the police officer stopped me on the 16/05/2019 and gave me two fines, one of them was verbal which is the one with the penalty number mentioned above.
The main reason that I didn't put the "L" on the plate number was because I was driving with my international driving license and at that time I didn't know that the "Learner" license will override my international one, and it would be insane to present the Learner license and driving with the international license because by doing that I would have to follow the rules by having someone with me with full license. Therefore, I was driving normally, and when I got full marks on the Driving Knowledge Test, no one at the NSW Service told me that this would supersede my international license as I have explained above and the review that I submitted with a reference number of 1716067. Although I would put all the details here to make it easier for you to tackle both reviews together and have the right resolution.
Fine is $263